I know, there are kids who read this, and next week, or next month, or...well sometime, i would read this and probably delete it. So I'm going to try and keep it clean. In the original post, the one i just deleted There was cursing, anger, the F word, and a B word, and few S's thrown in..but hey, unless I want to create a third, anonymous blog I'm going to try and keep my typing clean.
my boss has been pretty harsh lately, and I'm not sure why. In general the feeling in the office is pretty laid back. Things get done, people come in late, leave early, there's a lot of shmoozing in the office. I get along with everyone in my immediate office. There are team members who have a different office, and I do not at all get along with two of them. They jump on me about every suggestion I make, they have a tendancy to order people around, and they're just general Bbeepes. Anyway, I got called into the office, and was asked in a pretty aggressive offensive way, "do you like being here", followed by "b/c it doesn't seem like you do". What am I supposed to answer to that? She told me that she sees i'm not a team player, and I don't take criticism, and I don't do my job, and if I don't change fast, she will have no prob. letting me go. Oh, and she's disappointed in me b/c I have so much potential...
I pretty much walked out there thinking What The Fbeep!
I know a lot of my faults and strong points. I am a team player. no one takes criticism well. And i can't Fbeeping do my job if the Bbeepes in the other office don't do theirs b/c mine is step two to theirs. Of course when I brought this up the Bbeep boss lady said she'd talk to them, but the problem is really mine, and I have to find a solution.
Basically it ended with a warning, of shape up or I'm out...
Followed a few hours later by her walking into my office (that I share with 4 others) and yelling at me about not doing something that I was a. never asked to do, b. thought and still think it didn't need to be done, and c. (after she huffed off) the other girls in my office agreed with me that they didn't think it needed to be done either....
The proceeding post has been very very cleaned up from its original smut filled content. It had been brutal clear frustrations, but I was held up posting it b/c blogger wouldn't let me log in. Which just fits in nicely to my Sbeepy week I've been having.