Monday, July 18, 2005

Are Dells Haunted

Can computers be haunted? I have a funny problem with my laptop. Sometimes the cords stop working. They'll stop working for a week, or two and then just start again, not really for any reason. I haven't done anything different. I understand I'm not the only one. Chayei Sarah blogged that her Dell had a similar experience, and judging by the comments she received ""I warned you about that connector issue!", Avi posted and Minday posted, "I just had a similar story... "
My usual problem is with the part of the cord that goes from the computer into the power box. If it is not in the perfect spot then the computer won't accept power. I have gotten the postioning down to a science.
Last night everything was fine. I watched a movie with my roommate and a friend on the computer, played a little game of Go, checked my mail and went to sleep with a fully charged computer. This morning I turn my computer on, see that I'm on battery source. I figit with the cord, but the charging signal won't come on. I then notice that the green light on my power box is not on! I check that the power source hasn't blown a fuse, but other things are charging....
Dead as a doorknob. D-E-D, dead!
No suicide note, no known illnesses, no previous symptoms, just upped and outed one day!
I had borrowed my brother's power charger for a previous time my computer was having issues, and I haven't returned it yet. The problem is the battery won't recharge with that power box, I can only use AC power.
Tonight I decided to see if maybe the computer had just been playing a trick on me.
I plugged in the d-e-d dead one, and it started beeping at me!
I wasn't sure if it was going to explode or what, but I kept holding it. Suddenly, the green light turned on!!! I plugged it into my computer and it started charging! Whoo-hoo I thought. I walked out of my room, to get a drink, and returned to find the light was off and the computer had gone to sleep - which it does when it's not plugged in and it's bored. So, now i'm stuck to the AC cord, with the knowledge that all can be lost if the cord, which doesn't 100% fit in this computer, gets knocked out...


Blogger Olah Chadasha said...

My husband is having the same problem with his hp laptop cord. What year is your computer? Maybe, both companies used the same manufacturer, and they all came out faulty. He's also becoming the expert in positioning. He'll probably have to buy a new one.

3:30 PM  

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