Friday, July 01, 2005

MK's In 'da Street - Paint the Town ...

I was in town during the start of the 'Gay Pride' Parade. I was not there during the stabbing (apparantly 3 people were stabbed by an anti gay parading person), nor did I see the 13 people get arrested for blocking the street so the parade couldn't go.... I did however see people arguing over the matter. I watched people get interviewed for the BBC, and watched people get riled up over a sign that read "homo sex is immoral, source: leviticus.". I watched people putting up signs that read I'm the proud father of a gay son, and watched on as other people yelled at him for letting his son be gay. I walked down a street on my home that was lined with the rainbow flag, where our soldiors were standing guard making sure no one took down the flags.

One marcher said the colors of the rainbow are used to bring everyone together. That the "theme" is love without borders. They welcome anyone regardless of color, religion, sexual preferance, etc... All they did today was promote hatred. They sparked anger and disgust with every flag they waved. I am not pro the idea of gay people, but I would not protest their lives. I would not burn "crosses" into their yards, but do not parade yourselves throughout a city. This is not liberal Boston. This is Jerusalem. Holy to all the major religions.

The mayor tried to stop the parade. He refused to sign the parade papers. He was taken to court and lost, and was actually fined about 1/2 the cost of the parade. I understand that two knesset members were among the protesters and they actually sat in the street blocking the parade until police had to move them. To them, and to the mayor of our holy city, thank you. Thank you for trying to fight. Thank you for keeping the youths inspired. The youths who are being sent to jail for what they believe in.


Blogger TRK said...

the mayor kowtowing to his charedi elements by acting illegally? who he is inspiring by that, and how?

I posted my thoughts on my blog based on what I was told happened. I agree that they do promote hatred, but they thrive off it, it makes them stronger and more powerful, the more charedim they wind up and the more people who come out to protest against them

10:14 AM  
Blogger Menachem said...

i'll reiterate here what i already said by your bro's blog. there's nothing gayer than a parade in the first place, calling it a gay pride parade is simply redundant.

2:10 PM  
Blogger Heidi said...

Wow I had no idea there even was a gay pride parade in J-lem. I agree though S2... forget the question of whether or not it is okay to be gay... They were 100% wrong to parade themselves through the holy city. I also agree with TRK in that they did it to create more momentum for themselves. The more they have to fight, the more they will justify their cause. And finally, I also agree with Menachem... nothing gayer than a parade.

5:01 PM  

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