Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Morons Code

To start, I do not expect that my two blogs will continue to read similar content, however I feel this deserves a space on both. With that said I'll assume you don't read the other one and start from the beginning here....

I have a few guy girl issues.
1. I seem to read into obvious signs (that other people see too) that were never sent out.
2. I have no idea how to flirt.
3. Most guys I meet just want to be friends.

With that said, let me be clear that this is not the first or second or third time that I have read signals that were never sent, it is sort of the story of my life. Since 10th grade I have been reading black and white in your face signs that were aparently never put up. Numerous times I have had friends tell me that so-and-so is obviously "into me" and I'd have to be blind not to see it, everyone else does, only to be told by so-and-so that no, he sees us as just friends and nothing more. I've even had guys tell me that they are looking for someone just like me, and why aren't there more girls like me in the world, but they were not looking for me. Some friends wanted to say that those guys were just not ready to be serious with someone, but it was quite obvious that when they were ready they'd ask me out, ooops invitations to their engagement parties and weddings proved otherwise. So, he we go again...

I met someone a couple months ago. He seemed like a nice guy, nothing too special. But then I started becoming friendly with him. A few weeks ago we were at a party together, he did not want me to walk home by myself, and so he offered to walk me home. That was really the first time we had a one-on-one conversation, and I found that he wasn't a bad conversationalist. He asked me what I was doing, and I told him about my program. The walk was under 10 minutes I went upstairs and he went home. That Saturday night we saw each other at a party again (parties seem to be the social events in this area). He asked me more about the program and said that he was really interested in it, and would there place for him on staff. I took his phone number to set up an interview, he did not take mine. I soon left the party, with him feeling very bad he was not walking me home, and aparently went on for about 10 minutes about how bad he felt that I was walking home myself, until he asked a friend of mine for my number so he could call me and make sure that I was getting home alright. That monday I called to set up an interview to tell him about the program, hear about him and see if there was something we could work out (program-wise). The interview took place in his apartment, he was having his door fixed and couldn't leave the apartment all day, and he offered to make me lunch. The interview was amazing, i found out so much about him that i just never thought. The guy that I was not interested in was no more. (I'm not hiring him, there wasn't really a place for him in the program) A few days later I ran into him in a coffee shop, on my way to meet a friend, we shmoozed for a little bit then I had to run, and then I ate at his place for for Shabbos lunch (with 15 other people). He spent most of the meal teasing me about something or another, and then later quit a game because I was killing him. Then, I spoke to him Monday and he asked if everything was ok, cuz i seemed a little upset about something on Shabbos...hmmm. So two of my friends are telling me that it is so obvious that he likes me, and maybe they should set me up. Ok, my friend calls to "set us up" and his response was that he didn't see it working out. Ok, so now I am to just assume his walking me home was because he is against any girls walking home by themselves, his calling me was out of guilt that I did walk home by myself, his teasing me was strictly friendly and his asking me today if I was upset about something on shobbos was b/c we're just friends. I give up. Not that I've ever gotten it right before, why should now be different.


Blogger Air Time said...

Didn't i just read this on the loop?

11:05 PM  
Blogger Karl said...

Life experiences build a person into who they are. Do what ever you feel is right, but never give up.

2:21 AM  
Blogger SHEV said...

if you want lessons on flirting- u have my number! ;) luv ya...

4:58 AM  

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