Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Loop

Thought I would share with ya'll an e-mail I received.

dear sar
howzit going?i don't like the whole blog world thing. who are you and our siblings really writing to? are they and you writing to the family or to friends/? i have an idea. if its a family thing then why not make a zacks familyblog where everyone can write and keep in the loop. otherwise you have to check out like 5 blogs, no time for that! so its either my way or the highway. i chose you to discuss this with first because you're sounderstanding to the needs of the disadvantaged (dialup web access).
what do ya thunk?
love us stuck in boston

Dear Stuck In Boston, I feel your pain, and remember life with a dial up modem. I would def join a Zacks family blog, in fact I will post this question on my blog with my statement that I will move and see if I receive any positive feedback...


Blogger Just Shu said...

Dear stuck in Boston
If we had a family blog site i would add to it..but it does seem easier to have 5 seperate ones...Although nat agrees with you guys

6:37 PM  
Blogger stillruleall said...

I would post on a family site, but I believe in my need also for my individual blog....its kinda like the States, I believe we should have our individuality and togetherness combined in some way.

8:10 PM  
Blogger Air Time said...

Boston Sucks

2:52 AM  

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