Tuesday, March 22, 2005


The oddest thing about starting a program, is when your friends ask you for a job. I have a number of friends who have been/still are very involved in the Kiruv World. Being that this program is one of the main things I speak about, they all know about it. Now they want jobs. I have been approached by three couples about the position of av/eim tochnit. The truth is we are looking for a couple that currently lives in Modiin and has another source of income. Somehow I got talked into meeting with two of the couples today. I'm not sure how to go about it. I have already told both couples that we are really looking for someone in Modiin, and that the money is not great... Both said how about if we meet tomorrow. So at 3 I have a meeting at Cafe Hillel, and at four at my friends' apartment. What I am going to tell them, I'm not sure. I am specifically not wanting to sell them on the idea, I more want to get it out of their heads that they think it's a good idea. While remaining good friends and promoting the program of course! Dilemmas, man...


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