Thursday, July 13, 2006


Yesterday I received a call inviting me to an interview for a Program Coordinator position! I sent in my CV about a month ago, and as I haven't heard anything from them, I assumed that they were not interested. WRONG! Thursday I have my interview!!! I am really excited, and of course I've decided that once they meet me, they'll love me, and I'll be able to quit here. I'm so looking forward to the minute I can quit!
Of course since my boss has been fired, and a new one hired my office has been debitched. That's a posting all to itself which somehow never got posted. The debitching of the office was basically due to the fact that no one gets along with the new boss man. I mean no one! So we've all basically banded together in our disgust and outrage of new guy, not leaving any room for bitchiness and clicks (yes, it does seem a lot like HS).


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