Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The Real Deal

Kol hakavod to NRP and NU (מפד"ל והאיחוד הלאומי) for agreeing that R' Mordechai Elon will be the head of their joint party. R' Elon is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Hokotel. I have never heard any of his students say anything about him that wasn't said with pride that they were in his Yeshiva. He started Mibireishit, a kiruv org. for Israelis (not a small feat...). He gives shiurim to the public that are broadcasted weekly.
I have heard him speak on several occasions. Even the big cynic that I am, I know he is the real deal. A rabbi who loves, cares, and lives Torah Judaism. Politics watch out...there's truth in the ring.


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