Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Lose Lose

Yesterday I had the opportunity to hear the most interesting conversation. I was sitting in the tachana merkazit enjoying a nutritious lunch, when I couldn't help but overhear the English conversation that was going on at the table behind me. Being the polite person I was, I waited until the end of the conversation before leaving...
One person, who has apparently been here for some time, was explaining to a friend who was visiting for the holiday the necessities of pulling the Jews out of Gaza and giving it to the Arabs. The visiting friend voiced some concerns over the Jews who live there, and consider it their homes. The veteran replied that they were just religious ppl who could live anywhere, and were just using this to further their anti government feelings.
He explained that these religious fanatics don't even serve in the army, they are all on welfare, and they hate the State of Israel.
His friend then asked about the soldiers that were eating at another table with kippot.
The Lefty Evil Veteran replied those are the worst kind! They join the army, but then don't listen to the commanders - only to their rabbis. They are in all the elite units, and are becoming top ranking officers.
At that point my phone rang, and I missed the rest. The two were gone before I was off the phone.
So, in brief the religious fanatics who don't even serve in the army are becoming high ranking officials?
Those self sufficient who built jobs and businesses are being kicked out of their neighborhoods and forced into government funded projects
And they hate the State of Israel, yet they fight tooth and nail to keep the Land of Israel?


Blogger Menachem said...

Just because Lefty Evil Veteran is an idiot doesn't mean there aren't some very good reasons for disengagement

8:07 PM  
Blogger Just Shu said...

Did you kill off your hebrew blog because you forgot the languaqge?

4:37 PM  
Blogger 2R said...

Whether or not there are valid reasons for the disengagement, the Left fighting for it doesn't know them, understand them, or care...

I killed the Hebrew blog b/c I didn't have enough material for 3 blogs...

1:19 AM  
Blogger Air Time said...

there was a hebrew blog?

5:20 PM  

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