Sunday, November 19, 2006

It's The Law.

With all the of our security, poverty, religious, and civil rights issues on the forefront of most israeli discussions the government has found time to pass a law that will help solve the problem. No, no... it's not going to do squat for the security situation. It does not effect the poor of the country. It pertains to the religious and non-religious equally, and while I can hear the argument made for civil liberty - I think that's pushing it. As of last week all wedding halls must install a decible meter. If the band's music rises over 85 decibles the electricity to the band will be cut. Currently the average is just over 100 decibles. As someone with ears, I thank you - our government - for having the ability to overlook all more pressing issues, such as the lives, well-being and security of those who put you in power to gather together agree that something must be done and pass this law. There is hope for our future yet.


Blogger Olah Chadasha said...

It's a start?

3:06 PM  

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