Friday, March 02, 2007


I belong to an interesting subculture within the English speaking Jerusalem subculture. It is a very transient group made up of young English speakers in their 20's and 30's who live throughout the city, move apartments on a suprisingly frequent basis, and have met their now closest friends at other people's meals or parties. I have decided to do something to help communitize this group by way of a phone book. I am going to advertise that anyone who would like to belong to the list can send me their name and whatever form/s of contact they would like added to the list and it will be published in July'ish time. I am then going to try and get ads to pay for the book (and hopefully make me a pretty penny). I have found a business partner who is going to take care of the taxes, advertisers and all official stuff.


Blogger ilan said...

Why don't you just do it through a restricted-access website?

8:21 AM  

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